The Paseli Pool team were in action last night while the rain drummed on the car port roof. Algerian, Indian, German and a person of doubtful origin.
The rainy season should have begun a month ago but it has been late. The heat of the first days abruptly changed yesterday evening with several heavy showers. The change was a joy and I slept through the night without the any restlessness. Breakfast in the compound yard with a couple of African agricultural specialists from the copper belt in the north. Interesting chat about the problems of storing farm produce.
Its been a pleasant sociable day with two of the pool team. We walked down to the city, again for me, and did a few things like changing money. Lusaka has its shabby side and this street more than meets that description. Pi... Alley perhaps?
Crossing the railway bridge, heading towards the bus station, I spotted the origin of some of the market porter's barrows. They are converted from wheelbarrows and fitted with a car wheel. Walking through the crowded market could be dangerous with these heavily loaded barrows crashing into your legs. I have had one slight collision and a scratched arm already.
We decided to try a lunch in a swanky hotel. The outside dining area beside a swimming pool was rather nice and quite a contrast from the events of the previous couple of hours. But even here the cost of an excellent meal and drinks costs only about £5.
Anyway, the main objectives of the amble were achieved which means that I now have a bus ticket to Livingstone (Tuesday) and also a bag of dried black caterpillars that Miriam is going to cook. If they seem a little too unpalatable we will have Rajish's (Indian) contribution to fall back on. I think it might be an eventful dinner tonight.